World AIDS Day: Home Video: Media Art in Response to HIV/AIDS
在世界艾滋病日(12月1日),广泛和电子艺术intermix(Eyabo手机娱乐AI)共同点家庭视频:媒体艺术回应艾滋病毒/艾滋病. This one-night only screening of four videos reveal how activists and artists documented and reshaped everyday responses to HIV/AIDS from the 1980s to the present. Each video engages the concept of "home video" to create works that explore the intersections of art, caretaking, family and home. InThe Thursday People, film and videomaker George Kuchar elegizes his friend, lover, collaborator and fellow underground cinema legend, filmmaker Curt McDowell. Charlie Ahearn (brother of Broad collection artist John Ahearn) offers an intimate video portrait of artist Martin Wong in his Lower East Side apartment. An excerpt fromWe Care, collectively produced by the "video support group" WAVE, captures intimate conversations with caregivers and people living with AIDS. AndA Place in the City,由Nate Lavey和Stephen Vider指导,遵循三个艺术家和活动家,揭示今天艾滋病毒/艾滋病患者倡导的宣传,住房和家庭的紧迫性。
A discussion with Stephen Vider will follow the screening.
星期四的人,George Kuchar,1987. 12分钟,33秒。
(Video still courtesy of Electronic Arts Intermix (EAI), New York)
纽约地下电影现场的传奇人物乔治库克也将他的疯狂原创敏感性应用于视频。用他的双胞胎兄弟Mike Kuchar,他在20世纪60年代和20世纪70年代和20世纪70年代制作了一个神奇的超级8和16毫米电影 - 特质的叙事精神发动机和流行文化糖蜜,被指控不断幽默。在20世纪80年代中期,Kuchar收购了8毫米的摄像机,并开始生产非凡的视频日记,编年灵记,持续的个人历史。Kuchar的电影和视频作品已被广泛筛选和在国际上展出。他在旧金山住了,直到2011年去世。
We Care: A Video for Care Providers of People Affected by AIDS(excerpt), Women's AIDS Video Enterprise (WAVE), 1990. 12 minutes, 34 seconds.
WAVE (Women’s AIDS Video Enterprise) was a community of women impacted by and living with HIV who came together in the 1990s to make tapes about the ongoing HIV/AIDS epidemic. They were part of a larger movement of AIDS activists and artists who used video to tell their stories and make an impact through direct interventions into the narrative being constructed around the emerging crisis.
Portrait of Martin Wong,查理Ahearn,1992/1998。17分钟,59秒。
(Video still courtesy of Charlie Ahearn and PPOW Gallery)
查理阿恩·赫恩在纽约市生活和作品。自20世纪70年代以来,Ahearn已经记录了街道文化和纽约市嘻哈的兴起,捕获了通过摄影,电影,视频和幻灯片进入运动的兴奋和原始能量。他的标志性薄膜野生风格(1983)被认为是嘻哈历史中最早的特征膜中。在额外的他的精选文献B男孩和Hip Hop文化中,Ahearn与Martin Wong,Kiki Smith,Jane Dickson等艺术家制作了纪录片短裤,他的双胞胎兄弟John Ahearn,以及Jamel Shabazz Street Photographer等功能。他的工作最近在沃克纳艺术中心,韦克纳中心,Ludwig和Moma PS1展出并展出。最近,P.P.O.W画廊介绍了Ahearn的独奏展览Scratch Ecstasy.
在城市的一个地方:关于艾滋病的三个故事, Nate Lavey and Stephen Vider, 2017. Originally produced for the exhibition艾滋病在家:艺术和日常的活动at the Museum of the City of New York. 17 minutes, 53 seconds.
(Video still courtesy of Nate Lavey and Stephen Vider)
Nate Lavey is a filmmaker and video producer. His work has been published byThe New Yorker,National Public Radio,The Forward, and elsewhere.
Stephen Vider
Stephen Vider是一家位于费城的历史学家和策展人。他最近策划了展览艾滋病在家:艺术和日常的活动at the Museum of the City of New York, tracing how activists and artists have mobilized domestic space in response to HIV/AIDS from the 1980s to present. He was also co-curator of同性恋格谭:纽约的艺术和地下文化at the MCNY, and co-author of the accompanying book with Donald Albrecht. He is currently a visiting assistant professor in history and museum studies at Bryn Mawr College. His work has appeared in the journals美国季度和Gender & History以及纽约时报,石板和颤动。His book,酷儿财物:同性恋者,女同性恋者和第二次世界大战后的美国家,芝加哥大学出版社出版社。(照片由Steven F. Dansky提供)
About World AIDS Day
World AIDS Day从1988年开始为12月1日指定,是一个致力于提高由艾滋病毒感染的传播引起的艾滋病大流行意识的国际日,并哀悼死于该疾病的人。政府和卫生官员,非政府组织和世界各地的个人观察这一天,往往与艾滋病预防和控制的教育。
世界艾滋病日是one of the eight official global public health campaigns marked by the World Health Organization (WHO), along with World Health Day, World Blood Donor Day, World Immunization Week, World Tuberculosis Day, World No Tobacco Day, World Malaria Day, and World Hepatitis Day.
自2015年开门以来,广泛呈现yabo手机娱乐annual programming对于世界艾滋病日,纪念许多人已经失去了流动的人,以认识到艾滋病毒/艾滋病的许多仍然生活,并承认全球发言,艾滋病危机仍未结束。在20世纪80年代艾滋病危机的高度,艺术家成为活动家,激进主义成长为艺术形式。其中的素质示例包括广泛的集合艺术家基思哈丁和David Wojnarowicz(both of whom died of AIDS-related complications),Ross Bleckner, who started his practice dealing with the AIDS epidemic in 1980s, andGlenn Ligon和Jenny Holzer, who continue to use their artistic voices to highlight the need for public awareness around HIV/AIDS.
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