出于上下文:Ratking + GabrielGarzón-Montano
“You can feel this distance dissolve when what’s before you is a kind of frenzy of recombination, of translation, of an artist diving all the way into his or her material, certain there is a secret in the noise and speed… certain that the artist can find the secret and make it into a story anyone can understand.”
-Greil Marcus,来自‘没有钱:流行艺术,流行音乐,流行文化’2002
称其为“无浪”说唱。称其为“不学校”嘻哈。基于纽约的三人组ratking是原始的,哲学的,并且完全反应。将纽约穆斯阿斯社会景观焦土的碎屑拼凑在一起,那里有肿的,自满的嘻哈颠簸肘部肘部弯曲的nihilist避开了死胡同的朋克;精致,芬芳的美女直接坐在腐烂的贫困旁边,ratking的音乐陶醉于颠覆性的胸罩和大胆的重组。Known for their “rabble-rousing gusto and a reputation for wild live shows” (Pitchfork), MC’s Wiki and Hak act not only as mischievous tour guides but as dual ends of our own conscience: one sharp-witted, vulnerable, and seemingly anti-social; the other feral and poetic. Sporting Life weaves a teeming Big Apple backdrop littered with referential gems, intelligent hooks, and sheer immediacy.
开幕式是歌手兼作曲家和多乐器主义者GabrielGarzón-Montano,他的音乐中的混合性体现了。他的歌曲充满了灵魂/R&B的敏感性,并以纱布和印象派的安排背叛了经典的紧缩政策。来自与Lenny Kravitz合作的Fresh,并在Drake的最新专辑Garzón-Montano中亮相,是一种丰富多彩而真实的音乐声音。
有一些当今最令人兴奋和侵犯的音乐家从上下文中呼叫是广泛收藏的波普艺术的听觉补充。yabo手机娱乐该系列的特色是有混合的当代音乐艺术家,他们参与,指向和讲述有关现代市场的故事,同时为我们对流派,重复和大众生产的新观点敞开大门。每个节目的艺术家从音乐分类的不同角落,从独立摇滚的心脏到嘻哈音乐和电子音乐的边缘到前卫的实验主义。该系列标题的灵感来自亚瑟·罗素(Arthur Russell)的歌曲“ Chall Out Condect”。