呼唤超出上下文:剪切。,prissy whip,+火箭筒
在2013年之前中产阶级,Rapper Daveed Diggs和生产者Jonathan Snipes和William Hutson的三人组织并没有想到为他们的磨蚀品牌的RAP音乐找到观众。它的音乐是一种真正的尝试,可以贡献才能说唱,为他们所爱的类型提供他们所能的东西。剪裁。see themselves as respectfully following the path first explored by rap’s pioneering sound designers like The Bomb Squad and Dr. Dre— those producers who were inventing a new language as they worked, and especially those who smuggled industrial soundscapes and musique-concrète techniques into mainstream music and popularized a sound that felt as tough as the stories its lyrics told. clipping.’s music attempts to reshuffle and repeat accepted rap scenarios, while eliminating a traditional single-point perspective. Diggs’s writing glues together half-glimpsed images and misremembered references, many of which might feel familiar. The band formed in 2009. Initially conceived as a remix project, Jonathan Snipes and William Hutson began composing new beats to accompany mainstream and gangster rap a cappellas. clipping. began in earnest in 2010, when rapper Daveed Diggs joined the group. The three members had known each other for many years— Diggs and Hutson since elementary school, and Snipes since college. clipping. is their first project as a trio, building on their long relationship and on their shared obsession with rap, and with music’s outer limits. Individually, the members are known outside of the group for their extra-curricular artistic projects. Diggs is an actor, most recently featured in汉密尔顿在百老汇的同时狙击为电影组成音乐,而Hutson是一位良好的噪音音乐艺术家。Snipes和Hutson在许多项目上进行了合作,包括纪录片的分数237室,2013年由IFC发布。
关于Prissy Whip.
Prissy Whip是来自洛杉矶,加利福尼亚州的噪音4片。仪器由吉他组成,吉他听起来像吉他,嚎叫,抒情无人的歌手和最小(但是双咆哮)鼓套件。刺刺城的成员,十六进制水平,蜘蛛问题和粪便臀部相结合,形成了这种实验和折衷的集成。r.i.p.AF.乐队的第二次版本是第一个在人声上专用Shayne Eastin的首家。专辑充满了奇怪的,消除吉他色调,狂热的鼓声和不可预测的歌曲结构,通常大声,痉挛性和意外。然而,材料仍然可以设法将粘性钩扎根,偶尔甚至是腐烂的旋律。这些歌曲都是对抗性和良好的细微差别,同时挖掘自毁和富有同情心的潜意识。性,暴力,童话故事和文学激发了这些艰难的驾驶歌曲,它走的绳索是人类二元的边界。
拥有今天最令人兴奋和越来越越来越咄咄逼人的音乐家,呼唤超出上下文是对广泛系列的波普艺术的一个听觉。yabo手机娱乐该系列具有混合思想的当代音乐艺术家,这些音乐艺术家聘用,指向和讲述了关于现代市场的故事,他们是一部分,同时打开我们对类型,重复和批量生产的新观点。每个节目对乐音分数的不同角落的艺术家,从独立岩石的心脏到嘻哈和电子音乐的条纹到前卫的实验主义。该系列标题由Arthur Russell Song“呼出上下文来启发。