Andy Warhol: Born Under a Dark Star
The early work of Andy Warhol is featured in this illustrated collection of essays from a wide variety of artists, scholars, and writers. Warhol’s time as a successful commercial artist during the heyday of Madison Avenue showcases his early fascination with Hollywood stars, everyday household products, disasters, and the Kennedy assassination. This provocative collection of essays, which originally accompanied an exhibition at Museum Jumex, Warhol and his art are dissected and considered by Stuart Morgan, Barbara Kruger, Richard Prince, and more.
- With contributions from Kenneth Brummel, Abraham Cruzvillegas, Geoff Dyer, Douglas Fogle, Julieta González, Jonathan Griffin, Thomas Hirschhorn, Barbara Kruger, Kerry James Marshall, Stuart Morgan, Richard Prince, and Kara Walker
- Hardcover
- 22.8” x 30.5”
- 208 pages
© 2019 The Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts, Inc. / Licensed by Artists Rights Society (ARS), New York
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