David Hammons,非洲裔美国国旗,1990年
#thebroadfromhome |艺术家聚光灯



托德·博伊德博士回忆道David Hammons的非裔美国人 国旗 (1990) and on the global movement for racial justice ignited by the murder of George Floyd one year ago. Invited by The Broad to share his thoughts on this work, Dr. Boyd is the Katherine and Frank Price Endowed Chair for the Study of Race and Popular Culture and Professor of Cinema and Media Studies at the University of Southern California School of Cinematic Arts.非裔美国人国旗(1990)在展览中看不见的阳光,在2010年5月26日至yabo手机娱乐10月3日的广播中查看。

“大卫苗条和国旗促使我们思考美国与其黑民族之间的关系,黑色身份的二元性,当然是参考文献W.E.B.Du Bois’s ‘The Souls of Black Folk;’ the split between an African identity—a Black identity—and an American identity, which has often found itself in conflict," Dr. Boyd shares. “It is the resolution of these identities, however, that define this prominent image associated with this incredible work by David Hammons, embodied in the flag.”

Todd Boyd博士,A.K.A.“臭名昭着的博士”是媒体评论员,作者,制作人,顾问和学者。他是一个智力和创造力,超越界限并违反传统分类。在1992年L.A. Riots的直接之后,Boyd博士抵达USC,并开始开发一个以嘻哈文化为中心的新的学习领域。他的开创性工作将跨电影,音乐,电视,体育,时尚,艺术和政治建立联系,将他作为一个卓越的专家和明显权威的文化在美国社会作用的声音。Boyd博士特别众所周知,因为众多纪录片出现在包括二十英尺的众多纪录片中。他的写作出现在纽约时报,洛杉矶时报,芝加哥论坛报和埃斯特埃斯特·福克网上,他已经写了七本书。


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